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<aside> 💡 Written by Jannik Wielath, last updated on 15th of October 2024


<aside> 🎓

What you will learn in this article:

The conversion script is flexible and offers both minimal and extended setup options.

1. Minimal Setup

For the minimal setup, only two parameters are required:

Parameter Description Pages
sid Store ID: A unique identifier for the e-commerce store Required for all pages
oid Order ID: A unique identifier for the order Required for order confirmation/status or thank_you page

2. Extended Setup

The extended setup includes all parameters from the minimal setup, but allows you to enrich your data for more in-depth analysis. All parameters in this section are optional and can be omitted depending on your needs.

Although many details are automatically detected, some e-commerce platforms have restrictions that could result in improved data quality if you provide this information directly from the platform.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" />

Note: Some parameters may not be available depending on your e-commerce platform.


Parameter Description Example
on Order Number: A human-readable order identifier Format may vary depending on the platform
cid Customer ID: A unique identifier for a registered customer Format may vary depending on the platform
cim Cart Item Count: The number of items in the cart 3
spt Content category "New Cars”
sptt Page title “Best choice of cars”
sppt Product title “BMW M3”
spos Product options size: Number of options for a product (e.g., colours or sizes) 4
scr Currency ISO code “USD”
scpp Product price 132.00
sctp Cart total price 598.76
sss Search terms “BMW blue”
spi Product ID: A unique identifier for a product being viewed Format may vary depending on the platform
sci Collection ID: A unique identifier for a collection being viewed Format may vary depending on the platform
scc Collection contents as a string-encoded JSON [{ "id": "foo", "variantID": "1", "price": "13200", "quantity": "3" }, …]
sca Cart contents as a string-encoded JSON [{ "id": "foo", "variantID": "1", "price": "13200", "quantity": "3" }, …]