← Starting Page

← How to enable tracking

<aside> 💡 Written by Marina Koch, last updated on 21st of October 2024


<aside> 🎓

What you will learn in this article:

Please note, that in some rare cases you might need to install the script on your page manually: If your theme.liquid cannot be updated automatically, please add the snippet manually to your main layout file (within the body tag).

The goal is to load the conversion tracking script on all pages of your shop → Instructions can be found here:

<script id="js-app-admq-data" type="application/json">
    "sid": "{{ shop.id }}",
    "oid": "{{ checkout.order_id }}",
    "cid": "{{ customer.id }}",
    "on": "{{ checkout.order_name }}",
    "cim": "{{ cart.item_count }}",
    "et": "shopify",
    "en": "",
    "spt": "{{ product.type | url_encode }}",
    "sptt": "{{ page_title | url_encode }}",
    "sppt": "{{ product.title | url_encode }}",
    "spos": "{{ product.options.size }}",
	  "scr": "{{ cart.currency.iso_code | url_encode }}",
    "scpp": "{{ product.price | money_without_currency | url_encode }}",
    "sctp": "{{ cart.total_price | money_without_currency | url_encode }}",
    "sss": "{{ search.terms | url_encode }}",
    "spi": "{{ product.id | url_encode }}",
    "sci": "{{ collection.id | url_encode }}",
    "scc": "[{% for item in collection.products limit:50 %} { \\"id\\": \\"{{ item.id }}\\", \\"variantID\\": \\"{{ item.variant.id }}\\", \\"price\\": \\"{{ item.price | money_without_currency | url_encode }}\\", \\"quantity\\": \\"{{ item.quantity }}\\" } {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %} {% endfor %}]",
    "sca": "[{% for item in cart.items limit:50 %} { \\"id\\": \\"{{ item.product.id }}\\", \\"variantID\\": \\"{{ item.variant.id }}\\", \\"price\\": \\"{{ item.price | money_without_currency | url_encode }}\\", \\"quantity\\": \\"{{ item.quantity }}\\" } {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %} {% endfor %}]"
<script id="js-app-admq-script"