Percentage of advertising cost of revenue (advertising cost of sale)
Formula: Ad spend / Revenue * 100%
ACoS net
Percentage of advertising cost of Net revenue (advertising cost of sale)
Formula: Ad spend / Net revenue * 100%
Acquisition CM2
Contribution margin 2 generated by first orders (new customers) and orders from customers that purchased after a period of no purchases lasting more than 60 days
Acquisition revenue
Revenue generated by first orders (new customers) and customers who placed an order after a period of no purchases lasting for more than 60 days
Add to cart rate
Percentage of visitors that added at least one item to their cart
Formula: unique_add_to-carts / visits * 100%
Adds to cart
The number of visitors that added at least one item to the cart. The event is counted a maximum one time per visit.
Acquisition marketing efficiency ratio
Formula: Marketing spend / New customer net revenue * 100%
Average order cost
Formula: (Ad spend + COGS + Shipping cost + Transaction cost + Expenses) / Orders
Average order profit
Formula: CM3 / Orders
AOP First order
Average order profit of first orders (new customers)
AOP Repurchases
Average order profit of repurchases
Average order value
Formula: Revenue / Orders
AOV First order
Average order value of first orders (new customers)
AOV net
Average order value (net)
AOV Repurchases
Average order value of repurchases
Profit on advertising spend generated by first purchases (new customers) and customers that made a repeat purchase after a period of no purchases lasting more than 60 days
Formula: Acquisition CM2 / Marketing spend
Acquisition ROAS: Return on advertising spend only considering revenue from new customers and from customers that purchased after a period of no purchases lasting more than 60 days
Formula: Acquisition revenue / Marketing spend
Breakeven point
Average amount of item required to sell until reaching profitability
Formula: Expenses / ((Net revenue - Net returns - COGS + Returned COGS - Shipping cost - Transaction cost) / Quantity)
Breakeven ROAS
Return on advertising spend required to break even
Formula: Revenue / (Revenue - COGS - Shipping cost - Transaction cost - Tax - Expenses)
Customer acquisition cost
Formula: Ad spend / New customers
Cart abandonment rate
Percentage of visits that added at least one item to their cart but did not complete the order
Formula: (1 - (unique_add_to-carts / orders)) * 100%
Click to visit rate
Percentage of clicks that materialize into a visit
Clicks reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Contribution margin 1
Formula: Net revenue - COGS
CM1 ratio
Contribution margin 1 ratio
Formula: CM1 / Net revenue * 100%
Contribution margin 2
Formula: Net revenue - COGS - Shipping Cost
CM2 First order
Contribution margin 2 generated by first orders (new customers)
CM2 per item
Contribution margin 2 per item sold
Formula: CM2 / Quantity
CM2 ratio
Contribution margin 2 ratio
Formula: CM2 / Net revenue * 100%
CM2 Repurchases
Contribution margin 2 generated by repurchases
Contribution margin 3
Formula: Net revenue - COGS - Shipping Cost - Transaction costs - Expenses averaged - Marketing spend
CM3 ratio
Contribution margin 3 ratio
Formula: CM3 / Net revenue * 100%
Cost of goods sold
COGS rate
Percentage of cost of goods sold from net revenue
Spend calculated based on the percentage / commission managed via the Google Sheet integration.
Formula: Ad spend / Revenue * 100%
Conversion events reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Cost per visit
Cost per visit
Formula: Ad spend / Visits
Cost per unique add to cart event
Cost per click
Formula: Ad spend / Clicks
Cost per mille (thousand) impressions
Formula: 1000 * Ad spend / Impressions
Cost per order
Formula: Ad spend / Orders
Cost per subscription/order that resulted in an order that includes at least one line item that is connected to a subscription/selling plan
Formula: Ad spend / Subscriptions
Cost per 2-second video view
Formula: Ad spend / Visits
Customer retention cost
Formula: Ad spend / Repeat customers
Click-through conversion rate: Orders / Clicks, as per mille
Formula: Orders / Clicks * 1000‰
Click-through rate: Percentage of impressions that were clicked
Formula: Clicks / Impressions * 1000‰
Count of new and repeat customers attributed by the selected attribution model
Percentage of visits that resulted in an order
Formula: Orders / Visits * 100%
Discount rate
Percentage of discounts from net revenue
Efficiency score
Score modelling how efficiently ad spend can drive traffic and conversions at a scale of 0 to 10.
Engagement rate
Percentage of ad impressions that generated reactions
Formula: Reactions / Impressions * 100%
One-time and recurring expenses as configured in the Expenses administration panel - averaged per day and distributed over all orders
Expenses per day
One-time and recurring expenses as configured in the Expenses administration panel - distributed per day as configured. This metric is only available holistically as it’s not tied to an order.
Gross merchandise value (GMV)
Gross merchandise bought: Aggregated potential revenue not considering price reductions
Gross profit
Gross profit calculated by deducting cost of goods sold from the generated revenue
Formula: Revenue - Returns - COGS + Returned COGS
Gross profit margin
Percentage of revenue that remains as gross profit
Formula: (Gross profit / (Revenue - Returns)) * 100%
Gross sales
Shopify gross sales, excluding discounts, shipping, and taxes
Hold rate
Percentage of video views played for 2 seconds that were played till the end
Formula: Video 3rd quartile views / Video views * 100‰
Impressions reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Marketing spend
Spend for advertising or other marketing activities
Marketing spend rate
Percentage of marketing spend from net revenue
Marketing efficiency ratio
Formula: Ad spend / Net revenue * 100%
Net orders
Count of orders, not including returned orders, attributed by the selected attribution model
Net profit
Net profit considering expenses per day
Net profit margin
Percentage of revenue that remains as net profit (CM3)
Formula: (CM3 / (Revenue - Returns)) * 100%
Net returns rate
Percentage of net returns from untaxed revenue
Formula: Returns net / (Revenue - Tax) * 100%
Net revenue
Net sales, including discounts, shipping, excluding taxes and returns
Formula: Gross Sales - Product Discount - Returns net + Shipping revenue
Net sales
Net sales, including discounts, excluding shipping and taxes
New Customer CM2
Contribution margin 2 generated by first orders (new customers)
New Customer POAS
Profit on advertising spend generated by first purchases (new customers)
New customer rate
Percentage of new customers that made a purchase
Formula: New customer / Customers * 100%
New customer repurchase rate
Percentage of second orders placed by new customers
New customer repurchases
New customer repurchases (second orders)
New customer revenue
Revenue generated by new customers
New customer ROAS
Return on advertising spend only considering revenue from new customers
Formula: New customer revenue / Ad spend
New customers
Count of newly acquired customers attributed by the selected attribution model
New product customers
Amount of customers that purchased at least one line item for the first time
New product orders
Amount of orders where customers purchased a line item for the first time
New product rate
Percentage of all customers that purchased a product for the first time
Formula: New product customers / customers
New product revenue
Revenue generated through line items purchased for the first time by customers
New product ROAS
Return on advertising spend only considering revenue from new product orders
Order sessions
Sessions that led to an order
Count of orders attributed by the selected attribution model
Orders per Customer
Orders per Customer
Formula: Orders / Customers
Platform purchase value
Purchase value reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Platform CPO
Cost per order attributed by media platforms.
Platform CPO click-only
Cost per order attributed by media platforms considering click-only attribution.
Platform purchase value 1d view
1 day view purchase value reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Platform purchase value 7d view
7 day view purchase value reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Platform purchases
Purchase events reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Platform purchases 1d view
1 day view purchase events reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Platform purchases 7d view
7 day view purchase events reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Platform ROAS
Return on advertising spend reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Formula: Purchase value / Ad spend
Profit on advertising spend
Formula: CM2 / Ad spend
Price reductions
Amount of price reductions
Price reductions rate
Percentage of price reduction from GMV
Shopify item quantity count
Amount of social media reactions
Reactivated customers
Count of customers that placed a repeat order but did not purchase for more than 60 days
Reactivation rate
Percentage of customers that made a repeat purchase and did not purchase before for more than 60 days
Formula: Reactivated customers / New customers * 100%
Recurring orders
Recurring orders that are part of a subscription contract/selling plan
Repeat CLR
Customer lifetime revenue of repeat customers: Average revenue of repeat customers within the specified horizon (e.g. within the first 30 days after creation)
Formula: Repeat customer lifetime revenue / Repeat customers
Repeat CLV
Customer lifetime value of repeat customers: Average contribution margin 2 for repeat customers within the specified horizon (e.g. within the first 30 days after creation)
Formula: Repeat customer lifetime CM2 / Repeat customers
Repeat customer lifetime CM2
Aggregated contribution margin 2 of repeat customers within the specified horizon (e.g. within the first 30 days after creation)
Repeat customer lifetime orders
Amount of orders of repeat customers within the specified horizon (e.g. within the first 30 days after creation)
Repeat customer lifetime revenue
Aggregated revenue of repeat customers within the specified horizon (e.g. within the first 30 days after creation)
Repeat customer repurchase rate
Percentage of repeat customers that repurchase within the specified horizon (e.g. within 30 days after their first purchase)
Repeat customer repurchases
Repurchases of repeat customers
Repeat customers revenue
Revenue generated by existing customers
Repeat customers
Count of existing customers attributed by the selected attribution model
Repurchase rate
Percentage of orders that were a repeat purchase
Formula: Repurchases / Orders * 100%
Repeat purchases (not first-time orders)
Retention rate
Percentage of customers that made a repeat purchase
Formula: Repeat customers / Customers * 100%
Return rate
Percentage of orders for which at least one item for returned
Formula: Returned orders / Orders * 100%
Return rate from revenue
Percentage of revenue that got returned
Returned orders
Amount of orders for which at least one item for returned
Returned quantity
Returned item quantity count
Returned shipping
Amount of refunded shipping revenue
Returned tax
Amount of refunded tax
Gross amount of refunds
Formula: Returns net + Returned Shipping
Returns net
Net amount of refunds
Gross revenue. Sales, including discounts, shipping, and taxes
Return on advertising spend
Formula: Revenue / Ad spend
ROAS +1d view
Return on advertising spend additionally considering revenue attributed by media partners / self attributing networks considering view throughs (window 1 day)
Formula: ROAS + Platform ROAS 1d view
ROAS +7d view
Return on advertising spend additionally considering revenue attributed by media partners / self attributing networks considering view throughs (window 7 day)
Formula: ROAS + Platform ROAS 7d view
ROAS discrepancy
The discrepancy between independently measured ROAS and Purchase ROAS (reported by media partners / self-attributing networks)
Formula: ROAS - Purchase ROAS
ROAS net
Return on advertising spend considering net revenue
Revenue per customer
Formula: Revenue / Customers
Share of marketing spend
Percentage share of marketing spend from all marketing spend in the report
Share of net revenue
Percentage share of net revenue from all net revenue in the report
Share of new customer revenue
Percentage share of new customer revenue from all new customer revenue in the report
Share of orders
Percentage of orders from all orders in the report
Share of repeat customer revenue
Percentage share of existing customer revenue from all existing customer revenue in the report
Share of revenue
Percentage share of revenue from all revenue in the report
Share of visitors
Percentage share of visitors from all visitors in the report
Share of visits
Percentage share of visits from all visits in the report
Shipping cost
Shipping cost incurred on shipping product
Shipping cost rate
Percentage of shipping cost from net revenue
Shipping revenue
Revenue generated through shipping fees
Shipping tax
Tax on shipping amount
Number of sessions per order
Formula: Order sessions / Orders
Subscription CVR
Percentage of visits that resulted in an order that includes at least one line item that is connected to a subscription/selling plan
Formula: Subscriptions / Visits * 100
Subscription rate
Percentage of orders that includes at least one line item that is connected to a subscription/selling plan
Formula: Subscriptions / Orders * 100
Orders that include at least one line item that is connected to a subscription/selling plan
Tax amount
Formula: Product tax + Shipping tax - Returned tax - Returned shipping tax
Tax rate
Percentage of tax from revenue
Thumpstop rate
Percentage of impressions that have been played for more than 2 seconds.
Formula: Video views / Impressions * 1000‰
Time between orders
Amount of days it takes a customer to make a repurchase.
Formula: Days between orders / orders
Time to conversion
Average time to conversion in days
Formula: Days to conversion / Orders
Total cost
sum of all the costs
Formula: Ad spend + Transaction cost + Shipping cost + COGS + Expenses
Total sales
Amount of total sales. Returns are deducted on the return date.
Formula: Gross Sales - Product Discount - Returns net + Tax + Shipping
Touchpoints that led to orders
Tracked order rate
Percentage of orders that were tracked by Admetrics user journey tracking
Formula: Tracked orders / Orders * 100%
Tracked orders
Orders that were tracked by the Admetrics user journey tracking
Transaction cost
Transaction cost based on the fee structure configured for each payment gateway
Transaction cost rate
Percentage of transaction cost from net revenue
Units per order
Amount of units/items per order
Upsell customers
Amount of existing customers that purchased at least one line item for the first time
Upsell orders
Amount of orders where an existing customer purchased a line item for the first time
Upsell rate
The percentage of existing customers that purchased a product for the first time
Formula: Upsell customers / customers
Upsell revenue
Revenue generated through line items purchased for the first time by existing customers
Upsell ROAS
Return on advertising spend only considering revenue from upsell orders
Video 1st quartile rate
Percentage of video plays to 25% of length reported by media partners / self-attribution networks
Formula: Video 1st quartile views / Impressions * 100%
Video 1st quartile views
Video plays to 25% of length reported by media partners / self-attribution networks
Video 2nd quartile rate
Percentage of video plays to 50% of length reported by media partners / self-attribution networks
Formula: Video 2nd quartile views / Impressions * 100%
Video 2nd quartile views
Video plays to 50% of length reported by media partners / self-attribution networks
Video 3rd quartile rate
Percentage of video plays to 75% of length reported by media partners / self-attribution networks
Formula: Video 3rd quartile views / Impressions * 100%
Video 3rd quartile views
Video plays to 75% of length reported by media partners / self-attribution networks
Video complete views
Video plays to 100% of length reported by media partners / self-attribution networks
Video views
2-second video views reported by media partners / self-attributing networks
Visitors tracked by Admetrics user journey tracking
Visits tracked by Admetrics user journey tracking
Visits per visitor
Ratio of visits tracked per visitor
Formula: Visits / Visitors
The permyriad of impressions that led to a unique add to cart event.
Formula: Unique adds to cart / Impressions * 100%
View-through conversion rate: Orders / Impressions, as per myriad
Formula: Orders / Impressions * 10000‱
View-through rate: Percentage of video plays to 100% of length reported by media partners / self-attribution networks
Formula: Video complete views / Impressions * 100%