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How to share your view of the Dashboard with your team members.

Admetrics avatar
Written by Admetrics
Updated over a month ago

How can I share my view of the Dashboard?

  1. Click the “Share” button in the top-right corner.

  2. A pop-up will appear. You can either copy the link directly to your clipboard or send an email to your team members. If you want to share exactly the same view, you should choose “static”. If you want to allow others to change the time references of the data, you should choose “relative”.

    For instance, if today is 19th September and you have selected the last seven days as your period and chosen Static, your team member will see the data from 12th to 19th September, no matter on which day he opens the link.

    However, if you choose Relative and your team member opens the link on 22nd September, they will see the data from the last seven days relative to their current date, which would be 15th to 22nd September.

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